The cost to prune a tree varies but rest assured, our tree service and tree care crews are manned by highly trained, and tree workers with many decades of experience guaranteeing the highest quality of service for your money. Our valued returning clients offer our tree service and tree care crews the unique ability to witness the effects of their pruning on the same properties and same trees over many pruning cycles. That kind of experience is invaluable. Rare is the tree species our crews haven’t encountered.
We are keen to offer our customers tree pruning services that adhere to ANSI A300 Puning Standards
and Best Management Practices, but the needs of any tree are specific to that tree alone. Age, location, condition, soil nutrient levels, and past tree service and tree care histories are but a few of the considerations we take into account before we offer our tree service recommendations. With over 30 years collective experience as ISA Certified and Registered Consulting Arborists, we at Ian Geddes Tree Care Inc. have the skills and expertise required to care for and to protect your trees.
Give us a call at 408-374-8233 or contact us online for a free tree service and tree care estimate.